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- Biochemistry
Our Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory offers round-the-clock diagnostic support to doctors for better treatment outcomes.
The speciality of Clinical Biochemistry has evolved to detect alterations in chemical composition of body fluids in various diseases. It is a dependable way for helping doctors to arrive at an evidence based definitive diagnosis. It is concerned with performing various tests using a wide array of analytical procedures and generating results that provide additional information to doctors beyond their clinical-examination-findings to aid diagnosis and treatment.
The Clinical Biochemistry laboratory at the K. J. Somaiya Hospital is functional 24/7 and offers a wide range of biochemical tests. All tests are performed with the help of automated instruments interfaced with the Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) to ensure rapid and accurate test results.
The laboratory adheres to standard quality control norms by implementing appropriate internal and external quality control procedures. It is also registered with CMC Vellore for the External Quality Assurance Programme and has been consistently achieving good grades.
Procedures & Services
Clinical Biochemistry services are offered round-the-clock for all patients of K. J. Somaiya Hospital (OPD, IPD, Casualty, ICU, samples collected during various health camps, etc.) and include over hundred different tests grouped as follows:
- Routine Biochemistry
- Organ function profiles
- Disease profiles
- Endocrinology
- Immunology
- Other specialized tests
Individuals and organizations can also directly avail of these services for purposes like pre-employment / in-service health check-ups, etc.
The OPD timings are as follows
- General Hospital: 09:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.
- Super Specialty Hospital: 09:00 a.m. to 07:00 p.m.

Patient Services
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Contact Us
Somaiya Ayurvihar Complex,
+91 22 6112 4800 +91 22 5095 4700
Eastern Express Highway,
Sion(E), Mumbai - 400 022
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